25 May is GDPR Day

Today is the day…. what day you might ask. The day before the late May bank holiday weekend. A day of rain, the last Friday in May 2018?

Its GDPR Day, the day the regulations come into full force. What? no fanfare, no thunder and lightning. Well no!

The day will come and go much like many others, the difference being that a whole heap of data protection stuff is now just that little bit more important.

The internet might be that little bit faster, if companies are really going to stop sending emails to people who never wanted them in the first place.

Data centres around the world might see a sharp drop in profits as everyone has deleted all their personal data.

Executives might start to wonder if they wouldn’t have been better investing a little more time and effort into their GDPR program now that the full force of the regulation could be brought down on them.

Some may breathe a sigh of relief, panic over, job done. Some may still be wondering what all the fuss is about.

For those who are in the job done camp, today is just the beginning, having implemented GDPR you now have to operate under its regime, how did you get on with the Technical and Organisational Security Measures? What nobody mentioned those, you only got advice on policies and procedures, and some very expensive contract pro-formas, that’s OK at least you can be safe in the knowledge those won’t put you in breach of the GDPR.

And because all your employees take all the data home on USB sticks and it’s available from anywhere in the world because it’s all ‘in the cloud’ you are safe from a System disaster.

For those who have been studiously ignoring GDPR it’s still not too late, do something rather than nothing, show willing, at the very least read enough to know what you are ignoring and what the consequences might be.

GDPR Auditing might have a quiet May 25th2018 – GDPR Day, but don’t be fooled this is the eye of the storm and just the end of the beginning.

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If you would like to know more about how GDPR Auditing can help your organisation with the GDPR please contact us at or visit our contacts page.

The information provided in this post is for general information only and is not intended to provide legal advice.

© GDPR Auditing 2018.