Do I need to register with the ICO?

Registering with the ICO

Organisations across the business services, construction and finance sectors are among the first to be fined by the ICO for not paying their data protection fee.

For anyone who has taken the ‘we’ll just wait and see what happens approach’, this action shows the ICO’s intent. Registration is a small step towards GDPR compliance,  yet many businesses have not taken it.

If you are not sure you need to register then have a look at the ICO’s Self-assessment, you can get to it via the link below:

The ICO Website might be busy over the next few days if people start registering, so here is a brief summary of what the ICO self-assessment states:

You MUST pay a fee if you use CCTV or the purposes of crime prevention (excluding domestic CCTV).

You MUST pay a fee if you process personal information electronically.

‘Processing’ means doing any of the following with the information:

• obtaining it;
• recording it;
• storing it;
• updating it; and
• sharing it.

‘Personal information’ means any detail about a living individual that can be used on its own, or with other data, to identify them.


You may be exempt If you do not use CCTV and do not process personal data, otherwise you may need to register.

Ok I’m not exempt, take me to registration

You can pay your fee by following the link below to the ICO website:

Contact us

If you would like to know more about how GDPR Auditing can help your organisation with the GDPR please contact us at or visit our contacts page.

The information provided in this post is for general information only and is not intended to provide legal advice.

© GDPR Auditing 2018.