Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards

Our Auditing methodology is built on our PCI DSS experience and we use PCI as the gold standard for technology and security.

Before we setup GDPR Auditing, many of our consultants were working in the financial services industry, gaming, insurance and payment services.

Our PCI DSS Services include:

  • SAQ selection and SAQ validation
  • Scope Reduction
  • Cardholder Data Environment design
  • Gap analysis
  • Remediation and implementation
  • Creation and submission of ROC and AOC
  • Liaison with integrators, acquirers, and payment providers

Our consultants have delivered PCI Level 1 programmes for several high-profile organisations who between them handle tens of millions of card payments every year.



We are currently working with clients on the latest PCI standard 3.2.1.

Outside of a QSA – Qualified Security Assessors you won’t find another provider with our background and track record in delivering PCI DSS.

Read more about PCI in or blog post below:


Get in touch

To find out more about this service or any of our other services please email us at info@gdprauditing.com or get in touch via our contacts page.